Old Monk Ideas
Tantric chakras:
- Muladhara (Sanskrit: ???????)
- *Root
- *Red
- *Earth
- *Yellow square
- Swadhisthana (Sanskrit: ???????????)
- *Gut
- *Orange
- *Water
- *Silver crescent
- Manipura (Sanskrit: ??????)
- *Core
- *Yellow
- *Fire
- *Red triangle
- Anahata (Sanskrit: ?????)
- *Heart
- *Green
- *Air
- *Love, compassion, psychic healing
- Vishuddha (Sanskrit: ???????)
- *Neck
- *Blue
- *Aether
- *Creativity, self-expression, wisdom, learning
- Ajna (Sanskrit: ?????)
- *Eye
- *Indigo
- *Nether?
- *Time or light
- *The mind, dreams, second sight
- Bindu (Sanskrit: ??????)
- *Weird extra chakra at the back of the head that only exists in Tantra
- Sahasrara (Sanskrit: ???????)
- *Crown
- *Violet
- *Space or thought
- *Union with god
Seekers of Enlightenment
This primarily Indigan order consists of those who follow the Dharmic philosophy. They seek enlightenment through mastering their mind, body, and spirit. In particular, they learn to control their kundalini energy by mastering their chakras. They learn to master each chakra in turn, elevating their energy to new potential each time.
:To achieve this state, a monk must pass a Concentration check, DC 15 + the effective level she wishes to achieve. It requires a full round action, and can be attempted at will. For most monks, it should be easy to pass this by taking 10, and thus they can be assumed to have the energy so heightened at all normal times. However, anything that would normally disrupt concentration can cause a monk to leave this state if she fails the necessary Concentration check. Her martial training makes Concentration checks while taking damage unnecessary, but other kinds of disruption can occur.
{{Generic Table
|Max Row=20
|C1_R1=1st|C2_R1=Root|C3_R1=+2 Str and Con
|C1_R2=2nd|C2_R2=Root|C3_R2=+4 to resist trip and grapple attempts
|C1_R3=3rd|C2_R3=Root|C3_R3=+2 to saves versus spells
|C1_R4=4th|C2_R4=Sacrum|C3_R4=+2 Dex and Wis
|C1_R5=5th|C2_R5=Sacrum|C3_R5=Immune to fear and emotion effects
|C1_R6=6th|C2_R6=Sacrum|C3_R6=+4 to Craft and Perform checks
|C1_R7=7th|C2_R7=Solar plexus|C3_R7=+2 Str and Cha
|C1_R8=8th|C2_R8=Solar plexus|C3_R8=+2 to Will saves
|C1_R9=9th|C2_R9=Solar plexus|C3_R9=+4 to Spot and Listen checks
|C1_R10=10th|C2_R10=Heart|C3_R10=+2 Dex and Con
|C1_R11=11th|C2_R11=Heart|C3_R11=Can heal self 1 hp/level as swift action 1/day/level
|C1_R12=12th|C2_R12=Heart|C3_R12=Blindsense 30 ft
|C1_R13=13th|C2_R13=Throat|C3_R13=+2 Int and Cha
|C1_R14=14th|C2_R14=Throat|C3_R14=Can communicate telepathically within 100 ft
|C1_R16=16th|C2_R16=Third eye|C3_R16=+2 Wis and Con
|C1_R17=17th|C2_R17=Third eye|C3_R17=Blindsight 30 ft
|C1_R18=18th|C2_R18=Third eye|C3_R18=Uninterruptible concentration
|C1_R19=19th|C2_R19=Crown|C3_R19=+2 to all ability scores
- Satori
- You can achieve a moment of prescience, causing all things to become clear and simple. You attempt to do so as a free action, by expending your concentration and passing a Concentration check, DC 40. If you succeed, you enter a special state (described below); if you fail, you lose your normal heightened state, and must regain concentration later.
:In a state of satori, you gain a bonus equal to your level as an insight bonus to all attack rolls, skill checks, and saving throws, as well as armor class. For each round you maintain this state, you exhast one of your chakras, starting from the crown and working downward. Once you exhaust your root chakra, or whenever you choose, the effect ends. You cannot regain a state of satori or harness the powers of any exhausted chakras.
:To revitalize an exhausted chakra requires 10 minutes of meditation. You must work upward from the lowest exhausted chakra.